Poggi Brothers: towards a more sustainable business
The Poggi Brothers are committed improving their operations in the excavation and transformation of natural stone through sustainable business investements.
In Europe, there are around 25 million small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and constitute 99.8% of all businesses in the EU. They are also a significant source of jobs and prosperity, employing 66.6% of workers and producing 55.7% of the value added in the non-financial business sector.
Creating an SME-friendly environment for existing companies and new entrepreneurs is one of the main objectives of the EU. The recent European initiatives aim to grow businesses, push towards sustainable goals and are among the most important policy frameworks at European level for SME policy of the last decade.
We took advantage of the EU initiatives at local level, aiming to achieve an even more sustainable business.
Sustainable investments 4.0 & Sustainable Transport
These incentives foster the digital transformation of SMEs through programs that envisage the implementation of innovative, sustainable investments with a high technological content consistent with the National Transition 4.0 Plan.
These programs are dedicated to SMEs engaged in activities included in manufacturing and business services. The investment programs must envisage the use of the enabling technologies relating to the Transition 4.0 plan and be carried out at a production unit located in the national territory.
Similarly, support incentives aim at favoring the purchase of vehicles with lower environmental impact fuel systems by SMEs, whose investment levels dropped through the Covid-19 pandemic, favoring both the renewal of vehicles used for production activities and a widespread environmental transition of the local economy.
Sustainable Laboratory at the Poggi HQs
Through these incentives, new CNC machines were implemented in our HQ factory, which today enable us not only to increase productivity through a more efficient quality control system of our labor force; but also allow us to carry out our production process by saving primary resources such as water and energy within a “greener” vision.
Environmental Quarry techniques
Excavation machinery also was included in our plan, in fact new machinery makes us work faster, easier and enables us to be more sustainable by implementing the latest saving fuel technologies. We are committed to further reducing greenhouse gas emissions while helping our customers meet their final product objectives.
Sustainable Mobility
For this purpose, we were awarded a regional grant in relation to the purchase of a “green” mini-van vehicle for logistic purposes within our company and for our clients. Our company strives to support the environment by using a vehicle with reduced CO2 emissions.
These investments prove that our company strives to meet the needs of our customers during the energy transition to a lower-carbon future through investments in new products, technologies and services.

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